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Bad user experience on a website is why 88% of online shoppers don’t want to repeat their visit. If you want your customers to return, invest in UX tools, as statistics show us that for every $1 spent, there is a $100 return.
If you want your online business to grow, there’s no doubt that user experience analysis is worth your time and money. In this article, we will discuss best practices to approach UX analysis and the benefits of using UX analytics tools.
We will also show you how easy it is to conduct a comprehensive customer experience analysis using FullSession. Our web analytics software does all the hard work for you. Start a free trial now.
It helps you determine which features need improvement by tracking and comparing user actions across different devices, channels, and periods.
Improve Your Website UX and UI
Capture all user interactions, spot trends and patterns and drive improvements without compromising your website performance.
Now, let’s talk about user experience analysis and why you should focus on it.
UX analysis includes investigating and assessing how users interact with the UI of a website, web app, or landing page and using the collected data to improve the user experience. The main goal is to improve the user flow and the product’s ease of use.
What’s the core of successful UX analysis? Understanding the user and empathizing with their expectations, wants, and perceptions of the product. This knowledge is precious since user experience and web design significantly affect conversion rates.
Effective UX testing methods bring many benefits to your business. Here are some of the most important ones:
Since the aim is to create a frictionless and enjoyable experience, it is essential to identify what difficulties the user encounters during a website visit.
It shows you what terms users type into the search bar, what problems they need to solve in the first place, and to what pages they devote most of their time to. Conducting the analysis gives you a clear picture of what keywords you should focus on when designing content for your web pages.
There’s no need to copy what they are doing because it may not work in your case. Thanks to UX analysis, you can design your path to success and adequately react to market challenges.
Frank Chimero said: “People ignore design that ignores people.”
So, it’s crucial to know the user perspective and do everything to improve your product’s overall performance. By involving UX analysis tools, you’ll learn what you need to focus on to create a user-centered design.
By doing this, you will:
Involving customers in the design process leads to insights that allow the creation of innovative products or services.
There is no better advertisement for your business than a satisfied customer who is eager to spread the word about their positive experience with your company. This leads to increased customer loyalty.
It is essential to test your product with end-users when it is still possible to make changes at a low cost.
Creating a user-centric product that fits customers’ needs increases the chance of making repeated purchases.
When you offer products that match your customers’ needs, they are less likely to choose competitors’ products.
To create better products, you need to develop them with user experiences in mind, and you need appropriate people who will help you achieve your product goals. With the growth of awareness about the importance of user experience, we can observe an increasing demand for UX professionals.
So, how should you organize your UX team? You need to combine different perspectives and expertise from various individuals. Key UX roles include professionals like:
What are the reasons behind users’ behaviors, and what motivates them? What do they need? The role of a UX researcher is to find answers to these questions by engaging with target users. They conduct carefully planned UX research sessions.
UX researchers must discuss research requirements with other team members and stakeholders, choose the most appropriate research method, determine research questions, and enlist participants.
A UX researcher also needs to create a budget for the research project and decide on a timeframe for its completion.
Finally, there comes the time for their core activity: carrying out the research, conducting data analysis, and reporting results.
UX designers always consider the end user. Their core task is to ensure that the products and services they develop will be accessible and enjoyable for the user.
Therefore, UX designers have their role in each part of the UX design process: planning, conducting research, creating prototypes, and testing products with users.
A UX designer has to detect how the user’s interaction with a product flows and make the experience as smooth as possible. Their role is to understand the user’s needs and develop creative solutions to their problems.
They design the best user flows and devise user journey maps to achieve that. When the design is ready, they try to find out if there’s a need to improve it by conducting user testing.
Visualize, Analyze, and Optimize with FullSession
See how to transform user data into actionable insights for peak website performance.
UI designers create all the visual parts of a product. Their role is to design screens with interactive elements like menu bars, icons, buttons, and color palettes.
While designing a product, they must consider how different screen sizes will display the design. To make the design coherent, they create and maintain style guides.
Their goal is to produce a visually engaging user interface that is easy to follow and intuitive. When creating the UI, they start from the user’s point of view.
Apart from that, UX designers conduct a competitive analysis of product use and feel and ensure all design elements maintain cohesive branding.
Users can’t navigate a product without text. They encounter welcome screens, various notifications, calls to action, and error messages on their journey. The UX writer’s role is to create user-friendly copy to guide users and help them achieve their goals.
UX writers make product navigation easy by creating a copy for each user touchpoint. Beyond that, they also take care of the UX content strategy.
Their qualifications need to combine good writing skills and strong knowledge of the whole design process. They need to show a complete understanding of UX best practices to arrange an excellent user experience while closely collaborating with the UX design team.
A UX design team needs a wholesome strategy to work correctly. The UX manager role is similar to any other manager’s. Apart from managing performance and budgeting, they need to show a deep understanding of the UX discipline.
UX managers must hire the best professionals to create a strong interdisciplinary team with diverse skills and expertise. The manager must also direct the team creatively and help them generate, develop, and refine their ideas. Above all, the manager needs to ensure the team is up to date with the newest trends and always ready to gain new experiences and knowledge.
In any case, UX managers need to oversee the work of the UX team toward common goals while having shared values. They have to find a balance between the user needs and the business strategy.
How do they achieve that? For instance, they run usability testing and present the results to the key stakeholders.
The UX strategist takes consumer insights gathered from research, UX best practices, and psychology and, with a consumer-centric approach in mind, helps the company make strategic decisions. The UX strategist injects the customer perspective into the organization’s strategy.
The strategist has to ensure there is an actual demand for the product that the company will release. The strategist’s responsibilities include stakeholder interviews, competitive analysis, and, above all, user research.
Then, the strategist synthesizes all the discoveries into one strategic process and delivers it in presentation decks and strategy briefs to partners, clients, and colleagues. What’s more, the strategist cooperates with designers and developers to monitor the product's design and implementation processes to ensure they meet business goals and the original vision.
Companies know that by placing the user at the center of their design choices, they are on a good way to outsmart the competition.
Now, it’s time to discuss how customer experience analysis looks in detail.
How do you pinpoint your audience's needs and develop a product that will precisely meet these needs? The answer is simple: research is the key.
UX analysis helps identify issues and find opportunities to solve them. It falls into two important subcategories: quantitative and qualitative data analysis.
Quantitative user experience analysis is all about numbers.
It gives product teams numerical or statistical data to show how effective their products are. It provides a picture of the final product’s usability, but you can also apply it to comparing competitive products. Finally, it helps you find responses to queries like how many and how often.
The results of quantitative UX research can be easily presented in charts or graphs. They are relatively free from human bias since they are obtained in a structured testing environment under strict control.
Apart from these advantages, quantitative UX research also has some downsides. It doesn’t explain the reasons behind specific trends or patterns; it only gives an overview of what is happening. It can also add up to a lot of costs since, to obtain statistical significance, you need a large sample size.
Qualitative user experience analysis focuses on subjective information. It gives you a picture of how users experience your product and gathers insights from real users to help you find ways of improvement. Qualitative user research explains data obtained by quantitative analysis.
Qualitative data can show how effective the final product is and influence your choices when the product is still being created. You can conduct qualitative user research at different stages of the design process.
Qualitative research is also valuable when you need to redesign your website, web app, or landing page.
Qualitative UX research is easy to organize: 5-8 participants are enough to conduct a study. It gives the researchers insight into the emotions and minds of the users, as they are often encouraged to think aloud when interacting with a product.
Now that we know the main types of UX analysis, let’s examine the advantages of conducting it.
UX analysis lets you solve your UX issues quickly and affordably. It helps you avoid negative reviews and increase user retention. But that’s not all. Here’s a list of some of the most important benefits of UX analysis:
It’s incomparably cheaper to find usability issues at an early stage of product development than to fix them as the process progresses.
Good UX finds ways to make site navigation as easy as possible. When visitors can easily find what they are looking for without bumping into unnecessary steps, vague calls to action, or over-complex design, the website’s conversion rate can increase by 400%.
If your website provides an enjoyable experience, there are higher chances that the customer will return.
Delivering a good user experience is also the best way to convert visitors into buyers. Happy customers are likely to share word of mouth about the positive experience with your website, product, or app on social media or with ratings and reviews.
Search engines promote websites that provide a good user experience. If you conduct UX analyses regularly, you increase users’ chances to discover your website, web app, or landing page.
Now that we know how valuable user experience analysis is let’s examine how FullSession software can help you conduct it.
FullSession lets you find out how your website visitors behave and discover the reasons behind their actions. Equipped with this knowledge, you will know exactly which website elements to improve and how to solve problems effectively.
Turn User Behavior into Growth Opportunities
Learn how to visualize, analyze, and optimize your site with FullSession.
FullSession provides you with tools to gather both quantitative data and qualitative data. Let's take a closer look at the features.
FullSession offers two tools to analyze quantitative data: customer feedback widgets and interactive heatmaps. Here’s how they work.
How do users experience your website? By creating user feedback forms, you can gather information directly from them. Most users like being helpful, especially when they can see tangible results of their contributions.
You can design your customer feedback form to fit mobile or desktop screens. The user feedback widget lets you choose the page position of the form, reaction style, language, and colors to align the form with your branding.
Aggregated data doesn’t give an accurate picture of user behavior on your website, so relying on it when creating the product can be tricky.
This is where FullSession interactive heatmaps come in handy. They give you a real-time picture of visitors’ mouse movements, clicks, and scrolls across your website.
Heatmaps allow you to monitor the user journey. You will know where exactly in the sales funnel the user got stuck and where he dropped off. This information will empower you to change the design appropriately and welcome each visitor with a more personalized experience.
In the UX analysis process, there comes a time to answer why certain events occur. The best way to find a response is by qualitative research.
FullSession gives you session recording and replay tools to watch visitors on your website in action. The funnels and conversions feature allows you to track and optimize each step of your conversion funnel, while the error analysis feature helps you identify and resolve various types of errors impacting user experience.
Here’s a close-up of how these tools work.
The session recordings let you discover what problems users encounter on your website. It will give you a clear picture of what you can improve to avoid repeating the same issues in the future.
When you log into the FullSession dashboard, you will see what users do in real time: their clicks, mouse movements, taps, and more.
Head to your dashboard's Session Playlist to see the list of available session recordings. Click the play button to see the session that interests you.
Watching session recordings and tracking website visitors helps you understand what changes are necessary to improve the user flow. For instance, you can watch as users complete tasks and see where they get stuck, which elements interest them the most, where they spend the majority of their time in, and more.
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Session replays give you access to several features. With them, you can easily document any valuable data. For example, you can tag recordings, add a comment for your team members, or copy and share session recording links.
Session recordings can be watched in full-screen mode, and you can pause, rewind, or fast-forward each session replay up to eight times.
The session replay feature provides you with the following data:
After conducting the analysis, the next step is to organize the data correctly.
With the funnels and conversions feature, you can analyze your user journeys and easily track and improve each step of your conversion funnel. This tool helps you identify the key actions that drive conversions and pinpoint where users tend to drop off, so you can enhance their overall experience.
By visualizing funnel steps and monitoring trends, you gain insights into user behavior and can address any issues causing drop-offs. You'll be able to highlight successful user actions and resolve obstacles, ensuring a smoother user journey.
You can also measure how much time users spend on each step to detect potential frustrations.
The error analysis feature helps you detect and fix errors that impact user experience. It provides detailed data on error clicks, network errors, console errors, error logs, and uncaught exceptions, giving you the information you need to improve your site's reliability.
You can examine error clicks to find and fix non-responsive elements that frustrate users. Monitoring network errors helps you resolve connectivity issues. Analyzing console errors and error logs reveals underlying code problems while identifying uncaught exceptions helps prevent application crashes.
Real-time Slack alerts keep you informed of significant errors so you can quickly respond and resolve any issues as they arise.
Without good organization, you will get lost trying to review thousands of data points. But where to start?
Here’s a six-step plan to systematize your insights and make good use of them.
Use qualitative data to pinpoint the most common issues. For example, if many users indicate that they don’t know how to access a feature your product offers, you will know you should focus on this issue as one of your priorities.
When organizing your data, you may discover that attempts to complete specific tasks cause similar issues for different users. Group them according to categories and add tags that will help you filter your data quickly.
It can also be helpful to divide your data by user segments. By looking at how different groups interact with your product, you can spot unique patterns and trends, tailor strategies, and use resources more effectively.
Session recording analysis will show you the reasons why the issues occur. Then, you should group the issues around specific actions, find out how many users experience similar problems, and identify how often they happen.
Once you discover what type of friction users experience with your product, look at your list of issues and decide what problems need to be addressed in the first place.
Instead of focusing on minor issues that only annoy visitors but don’t cause them to bounce off, focus on critical problems that prevent users from converting.
After gathering your data, conducting user analysis, and deciding on your top priorities, you can present the results to your product team.
You should emphasize the critical issues and give them all the details. Support it with evidence in the form of screenshots or session replays. Don’t forget to add information about what’s working well to motivate your team.
These days, online businesses need to show a customer-centric approach to be successful. How the users interact with your website and their experience should influence the choices you make when designing, implementing, and improving your website.
FullSession provides comprehensive web analytics tools that help you analyze visitor behavior in detail, discover friction points that cause funnel dropouts, and decrease conversion rates. Our advanced filtering options give you a better picture of visitors’ digital experience and help you pinpoint sessions where user flow is interrupted.
With FullSession, you can track critical metrics and access data visualization in real time. It also gathers data analysis and lets you track visitor behavior without affecting your website's performance.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Book a demo today to learn more about our top-notch features.
The FullSession platform offers a 14-day free trial. It provides three paid plans: Starter, Business, and Enterprise. A yearly subscription can save you up to 20%!
Here are more details on each plan.
Setting up your web analytics dashboard with FullSession takes less than 5 minutes, and it's completely free!
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For an e-commerce site, a UX analysis might involve examining why users abandon their carts. By reviewing session recordings, surveying users, and testing different checkout designs, you can pinpoint issues and improve the checkout process.
A UX analyst investigates how people use a website or app. Using data and user feedback, they identify pain points and work with the team to enhance the user experience, ensuring it’s smooth and intuitive.
UX analytics involves tracking and analyzing data on user interactions, like click rates and navigation paths. This helps identify what works well and what needs improvement, leading to a more user-friendly experience.
Each level builds on the last to create a cohesive user experience.
It depends on your platform. For FullSession, you can start conducting UX analysis methods for just $32 a month. If you want to start small, you can use a free platform like Google Analytics.